Since Tender Loving Care Pet Nursing Hotel opened in May of 2020, I have come to realize just how many pets suffer from anxiety. I don’t have statistics, but between the direct observations of our guests at TLC and my past consumer work at the Hill’s Pet Nutrition Company traveling around the world, I know this is not just a global trend, but an epidemic so to speak.
Therefore, I am always on the look out for products and methods that can help our pets live less stressed lives. For our part, I began the TLC Pet Daycare Enrichment Academy for anxious pets, pandemic dogs and dogs that need more social skills via focusing on using their god given natural talents.

In terms of products, here are just a few of the many tools we use at the Hotel to help our guests relax at TLC pet Nursing Hotel:
- Thunder Shirts for cats and Dogs
- For A Dog’s Ear Music CD’s
- Cat Pheromones’
- Adaptil for Cats and Dogs
I found this recent article about beds for anxious pets. The beds discussed in this article would probably be wonderful tools for your toolbox at home. Unfortunately, we cannot use them at TLC because we need to wash and sanitize our pet beds and these just wouldn’t hold up to our daily washing machine torture. But check them out for your pets at home use!
NOTE: TLC is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by any of the companies or products identified on its website or marketing materials. The presence of any company or product logo or name is not intended to indicate or imply an endorsement or recommendation of/for any company, person, product, or service and is solely included for the purpose of providing information to customers.